
Chlorine is a common chemical that has been added to water to help protect against bacteria and other contaminates. Therefore, it is commonly used in city and municipal water supply to ensure that when the water is being transported from the treatment plant to your home, does not become contaminated. Much of the underground plumbing infrastructure throughout Illinois has not been updated in decades. This includes many sections throughout the Chicagoland area which still use lead pipes. As we know today, lead is not a safe element to ingest or to transport water. However, it has been a long-standing battle to get these pipes replaced which is why the use of chlorine has been used so often within cities and towns. 

Although chlorine has been a safer alternative to having contaminates leech into the water supply, recent studies have shown that thousands of cases of rectal and bladder cancer are reported each year due to the ingestion of chlorine in our drinking water. In addition to the harmful effects of drinking chlorinated water, there are physical effects as well. When bathing in chlorinated water, your pores will begin to expand, chlorine is then able to absorb into your skin. This in turn can lead to skin irritation, dryness, and itchiness. In addition to external discomfort, showering in chlorinated water can also effect your respiratory system. As a shower begins to heat up, the chlorine in the water will begin to evaporate, leading to the inhalation of these vapors. This  will typically affect individuals with asthma and allergies more regularly. However, even for individuals that do not have pre-existing conditions, long-term exposure to the inhalation of chlorine can lead to other effects.

The best way to reduce chlorine in your home's  water is to use a carbon filter. This is similar to what is used in your refrigerator and store-bought drinking water pitchers. The carbon in the filter will begin reducing the chlorine from the water source to help improve health and taste when drinking or showering. 

If you are currently experiencing any of these issues or would like more information on your water's chlorine levels, please contact PURE by phone at (224) 655-7187 or visit our "Get Heathy Now" page and request a FREE consultation.